Monday, March 29, 2010

A few new additions to the apartment. I'd be lying if I said I hated it. And I predict already: Milo and Poppy will be thrilled by the new napping spots. Now...if only I could find a good chair (or fabric) to replace (or recover) that old blue and white striped chair!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the time they let me in...

Spring break. One of the many perks of entering into the field of education. Last week, I (slightly hesitantly) boarded a London-bound plane once again. The flight was pleasant...the movies were lovely...the food was delightful. But as I exited the plane, all sorts of memories came flooding back.

If you are confused at this point, read the posts from January below...

I would be lying if I said my entry into the UK went seamlessly. A little detainment is becoming quite the norm for me!!! Imagine my excitement, however, when the hiatus only lasted for 45 minutes this time around...AND it ended with me coming out on the other end! It was beautiful moment.

This beautiful moment was followed by many, many more as I met Candice for a week of exploring, wayyy too much walking, and more stairs than I have climbed in the past 5 years of my life combined. ( my calves look bigger?) From "sunny Lewisham" to Paris...we hit all the hot spots. I took a million pictures that unfortunately, we will never see. This is where I pause to pay my respect to my long lost camera...may she rest in peace...wherever she may be! Sad story, but very true. Somewhere along the way, the camera got misplaced. Good thing my mind is young and nimble and can still hold things in like a steel trap.

Now I am back in Dallas, back to school, but I'm rapidly approaching several other turns in I'll be sure to keep posting.

Yes I have said that before, but this time I mean it.